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Need for Speed Most Wanted Downloads
Need For Speed Most Wanted - ReTex
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A modern Rockport City Experience with fresh textures that aims to enhance the game's graphics by replacing the original textures with high-quality, high-resolution textures. The mod also offers a variety of improved textures for roads, buildings, and environmental elements, such as trees/foliage and more in future updates.

- All new visuals with custom Time of day settings (TOD)
- New set of roads in LIGHT and DARK with 8K/4K/2K Quality options.
- Upto 2000 textures (some textures are still vanilla and will be changed soon in future updates)
- New Sky / Clouds
- Different Sidewalks, Dirtpath, Cobble stone path
- Tunnels and Light Flares
- Parking Lots, Offroad
- Realistic Billboard Ads (will add more in future updates)
- Other grass surfaces and Golf course
- New Beach sand texture
- Garage safe house
- Customization Shop
- Shell Gas Station
- Randy's Donut
- Burger King
- 7-Eleven store
- Ferris Wheel, Roller coaster
- Trees and Foliage (Will be updated in the future for more variety)
- And lots more as you find it

- P A I N (Tester / Light flare settings)
- Osdever (Nextgengraphics / AttribLoader / Plak Graphics)
- Nlgxzef (X360 platform textures)
- Elaymm4 (Xbox 360 Stuff Pack v 3.2)
- ASC (Sky texture and more)
- Lans (Vanilla upscale textures)
- Rauny_noobexx (Help with Retex v1 textures)
- And more all over the community for making this project work

- Update v1.7.1
- Retouch x ReTex - Thanks to P A I N for this Collab with the immersive Retouch Graphics v7 Roads, Grass, Offroad and Trees.
- 11 New Advertisement Billboards.
- New texture for Traffic lights
- New Flare texture for Headlights/Brake lights.
- New Street light texture for Plak Graphics Mod.
- Updated Flare script
- Retouch x ReTex - Thanks to P A I N for this Collab with the immersive Retouch Graphics v7 Roads, Grass, Offroad and Trees.
- For Update Installation simply open Download link and Open RETEX UPDATE 1.7.1 Folder → Download Files → Drag/Drop into game folder.
- Distribution: You may freely distribute this mod through official channels, but not on unauthorized or third-party websites.
- Modification: You are allowed to modify files by replacing them with similar-looking textures as long as they have the same name and format as the originals. Do not change the folder structure, or you will need to update the paths in the TexturePackInfo.json file.
- Credit: Always provide proper credit to the original creator(s) and acknowledge the mod creator in any media.
- Commercial Use: The mod may not be used for commercial purposes, including selling or renting.
- Modpack Projects: Others are not allowed to use this RETEX mod in their modpack projects.
RETEX Installation Guide and Gameplay: Click here
Discord: Join here
Mod Images: Retex Screens
Version 1.4
uploaded April 16, 2024
C i P H E R uploaded a new version. The new file is 686 B.
Download Link Fix
Sorry for any trouble finding the mod -
Version 1.3
uploaded January 28, 2024
C i P H E R uploaded a new version. The new file is 657 B.
Check Mod Info -
Version 1.2
uploaded December 25, 2023
C i P H E R uploaded a new version. The new file is 653 B.
Check Mod Description -
Version 1.1
uploaded February 26, 2023
C i P H E R uploaded a new version. The new file is 461 B.
Small change for Dirt Path installation
Don't worry you won't need to download the whole thing again
just download the required files from 2nd link and follow the readme
Thank You
Initial version
uploaded February 23, 2023
C i P H E R uploaded initial version. The original file is 0 B.
Visitor Comments
Seriously? Having to replace all those textures with TexED? Why didn't you just make a modified STREAML2RA.BUN with all of those textures already included? It's a exhaustive process.
Download this mod
Hey download button is already on the top
so which link do you want?
One problem: Getting busted now crashes the game. It wasn't like this before I installed Retex 1.7.
I would also like to add that shadows show up on cars despite DisableShadowsOnCars set to 1 in FEShadows, along with the car shadow and the FrontEnd smoke disappearing after a few seconds, which also took place after updating ReTex to 1.7.
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